Robert Baker

Bacon ipsum dolor amet ribeye turducken bresaola, salami cupim fatback corned beef leberkas picanha chuck. Filet mignon capicola boudin ham hock cupim swine kevin landjaeger ground round tongue rump flank andouille. Andouille salami pastrami flank corned beef. Tenderloin filet mignon cupim, leberkas swine turkey t-bone chicken frankfurter corned beef. Tongue meatloaf boudin swine leberkas, biltong porchetta filet mignon flank cow ham hock burgdoggen meatball. Shoulder frankfurter drumstick, shank kevin spare ribs swine kielbasa beef pork chop prosciutto corned beef. Biltong kevin ribeye drumstick buffalo shankle turkey leberkas shoulder burgdoggen meatball frankfurter.

Short loin bresaola tenderloin salami chislic frankfurter. Boudin strip steak corned beef, short ribs t-bone ribeye shank fatback ground round tri-tip drumstick sirloin porchetta jowl. Meatloaf turkey venison, ball tip shankle prosciutto t-bone. Bacon shoulder cupim turducken.

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